Designathon On Tour

Event Date: Saturday, October 20 - 9:00 am to Sunday, October 21 - 9:00 pm

The Designathonon Tour is a hackathon in the field of design and brings together curious and motivated people from the creative economy during the weekend of October 20 – 21 (2018). We invite you to participate in the co-creation process on topics around urbanization, technology and specifically transportation in urban areas.
Within 32h you and your team will develop an idea, which can be presented in any form. At the end, the best pitches will be awarded prizes in different categories.
Be a social innovator and create new ideas for urban space!
Presented by Designathon and swissnexSF as part of the festival «Zurich meets San Francisco» and in partnership with the Canton of Zurich.
The School of Design has 4 tickets to give away to students and faculty. Please contact for information. You can get more tickets and current information on the website.