24th Annual Design Alumni Portfolio Nite, Tues, Nov. 13th, 2018, 5-9 PM

Event Date: Tuesday, November 13 - 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Portfolio Nite

24th Annual Design Alumni Portfolio Nite

Tuesday, November 13th, 2018

SFSU, Jack Adams Hall, Chavez Student Center


Greetings DES Faculty, Students, Colleagues & Associates,

The "24th Annual Design Alumni Portfolio Night," will take place, Tuesday, November13th,  2018.                                                

The DES Portfolio Nite event will take place from 6:00 - 9:00 PM in the Jack Adams Hall in the Cesar Chavez Student Center at SFSU.  There will be a Welcoming Reception that will take place from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in Jack Adams Hall.

Please extend this invitation and notice to your students, peers and associates.                                                                                  

Students are strongly to bring their portfolio, or best examples of their current student work.

We have arranged to hear from eight (8) diverse DAI Alumni, each conducting the presentations in a “Pecha Kucha” 20x20 format to reveal their works and inspirations. 

We will also have an on-stage "Q&A Round Table" panel discussion following the Student Portfolio Review, that will include both the Speakers and Portfolio Reviewers. The DAI Alumni will be asked to provide their overall feedback and perspectives during the Student Portfolio review session, as well as their general recommendations to how to best prepare to succeed with your DAI education. 

Please extend this invitation and notice to other Students, Alumni and Friends of DAI "School of Design" to attend and participate!

Invited SPEAKERS: (Subject to Change)

·         Troy Shelton shelton@eightinc.com Experience Design Consultant

·         Jonathan Wan, VP, Wells Fargo Gateway, Fintech, Digital Health | Mobile, Global, API

·         Beth Wegner, Sr. Product Designer at Netflix

·         Peter Radsliff, VP Marketing, Prodea Systems

·         Ricardo Baltazar, Brand Designer at Pinterest

·         Nella Ocampo, Visual Designer at NextGen America

PLUS an amazing stellar list of Alumni Portfolio Reviewers:

Invited REVIEWERS:  (Subject to Change)

·         San Chung, Velocity, Production Designer + Technical Illustrator

·         Mona Chiu, Administrative Analyst at San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)

  • Kimberly Noon, VP of Product, Bellweather Coffee
  • Milan Bhatt, Plethora, R&D CNC Programmer

The following will be our Program Format:

I)    Opening Reception: Food, Refreshments, DVD/Video [5:30 -6:00 pm] (30 minutes)

II)   Welcome/Intro: Department Chair; SFSU Career Center; AIGA/IDSA Student Chapter Officers [6:00 - 6:10] (10 minutes)

III)  DAI Alumni “PechaKucha” Panelist Presentation: We will have approximately 8 Design Alumni presenting together with a “PechaKucha” visual sound bites of their current design position, or interests (approximately 6-7 minutes each). Moderator, DESFaculty Member  [6:15 - 7:15] (60 minutes)

IV)  DAI Student Portfolio "Peek" Review: [7:20 - 8:20]  Students will have 10 minute "PP" Review (Peek Portfolio) - sort of a "Speed Date" Review with the designated Portfolio Reviewers. We hope to have the students meet with at least three (3) Reviewers (30 minutes)

V)   DAI Alumni & Student Presenters Discussion and Critique of the techniques and objectives of Portfolio presentations and interviews: We will then open up the Panel to the audience that will be facilitated by a moderator.   [8:25 - 8:55] (30 minutes)

VI)  Wrap-Up Closing Mixer: We will then follow with a Wrap-Up (informal) Closing session with the students - [8:55 - 9:15] (20 minutes)