School of Design virtual Senior Show: Wonderlust
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
DES 628 has launched the School of Design's virtual Senior Show, Wonderlust, to celebrate the work of graduating seniors.
Wonderlust is a term newly coined within the exhibit development process—it implies navigating an obscured path, questioning boundaries, and seeking a sense of wonder.
The exhibition concept and identity are by Visual Communication student Miwa K. Brioso. The theme and visual identity were chosen through a juried presentation process and selected by students in 628 as well as Professors Christensen, Hulick, Friedman, and Iselin.
Wonderlust is available in two formats:
- A full website of all work and bios from graduating students who submitted to the show
- A virtual exhibition that can be experienced on the Artsteps virtual gallery platform
Congratulations to the DES graduates of 2021! Tag your celebratory photos and capstone and final project images with #SFSUDES2021 when sharing!