DES 699 and 899 Independent Studies

Independent studies are self-directed research projects into unique topics that students are passionate about. Independent study allows our students to learn about a subject that's unavailable in our regular course offerings, and is one that a student wants to investigate in great depth. Students propose a project and determine their course of study with a sponsoring professor. The first step in this process is to have a good idea of what you want your project to be. Then, work with a line faculty member to complete the proposal form. Undergraduates take a 699 Independent Study, and Graduate students take 899.

Faculty and Director approval is required for DES 699 and DES 899. Students must proactively reach out to DES faculty members with whom they have a prior connection, such as professors from classes where they have performed well.

Once a student and faculty member reach an agreement on the depth of and deliverables for the project, they will complete a formal Petition for Course by Independent Study. This serves to document their shared understanding of the student's learning objectives, project scope, and grading criteria. The student then sends the faculty-signed document to the School Director. If the Director approves the petition, they will send an Add Code to the student who can then add the class.

DES 699 and 899 count as Design electives.

Petition for Independent Study