Study abroad for a year or semester while earning resident credit towards your major, minor or general education requirements.
SF State Bilateral Programs
The Office of International Programs offers study abroad programs in over 20 countries throughout the world, in every academic discipline at SF State.
Bilateral Partner Programs
- Brunel University UK: Industrial Design
- Chung Yuan Christian University (Taiwan): Visual Communication Design
- Stuttgart Media University (Germany): Visual Communication Design
- Swinburne University of Technology (Australia): Industrial Design and Visual Communication Design
- Technology University Dublin (UK): Industrial Design and Visual Communication Design
- University of Technology, Sydney (Australia): Industrial Design and Visual Communication Design
California State University International Programs
The International Programs (IP) was established by the CSU Board of Trustees in 1963 as the study abroad program of The California State University system.
Visit CSU International Programs Website
Partner Programs
- The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Santiago, Chile
Non-Certified, Outside, or Vendor Exchange Partners
The following are universities we work with but do not yet have an “official” partnered study abroad option.
- Hochschule Neu-Ulm University (HNU) Ulm, Germany
- Holon Institute of Technology Holon, Israel
- Les Ateliers-Paris Design Institute (ENSCI) Paris, France
- National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)
- The Language Flagship
The SF State Chinese Flagship Program is an exciting initiative for undergraduate students seeking careers related to China and the Chinese-speaking world.
Visit SF State Chinese Flagship website
Hsiao-Yun Chu, Study Abroad Advisor
Phone: (415) 338-2430
Ricardo Gomes, Study Abroad Co-Advisor
Phone: (415) 338-2229