Grad Preview Week!
Monday, October 17, 2022
Event Time 07:00 p.m. - 08:00 p.m.
Contact Email
The School of Design will be hosting three information sessions as part of grad preview week. This will be your opportunity to learn more about the program and to have your questions about the Design Master’s Program answered. Click on the meeting link you want to attend.
- Monday, October 17, 7-8:00 pm: General info about our MA in Design Program https://sfsu.zoom.us/j/705249701?pwd=SFg0dDM3UG0wY3djYVlweGFQVVJLdz09 Meeting ID 705 249 701 Passcode 397538
- Thursday, October 20, 12-1:00 pm: General info about our MA in Design Program https://sfsu.zoom.us/j/83353400401?pwd=cnpKWXNMWTBEUE1yQTgvcGh2TUFnUT09 Meeting ID 833 5340 0401 Passcode 269763
- Thursday, October 20, 12-1:00 pm: Information about our San Francisco State Scholars 4+1 accelerated degree program (For current SFSU Students only) https://sfsu.zoom.us/j/705249701?pwd=SFg0dDM3UG0wY3djYVlweGFQVVJLdz09 Meeting ID 705 249 701 Passcode 397538
For more information, please contact, design@sfsu.edu
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