RESET Lunch, Learn, & Exhibit
RESET Lunch, Learn, & Exhibit
Calling all LCA students, faculty, staff, creatives, makers, movers & shakers!
Join members of the LCA community in an hour of learning and creating together.
> Nature Journaling
Develop a connection with nature through curiosity, observation, and notations. Nature journaling focuses our attention and is an outlet for creative expression.
Thurs. Sept. 21 • 12:00–1:00 • In the Quad
> Thinking in Comics!
Familiarize yourself with comics as a way of thinking for your own creative excursions and potential
implementation in your teaching.
Thurs. Oct. 5 • 12:00–1:00 • In the Comics Lab HUM581
> Jewelry Upcycle
Upcycle your old or broken jewelry into new pieces, all while practicing sustainability in fashion and the mindful art of crafting jewelry.
Wed. Oct. 18 • 12:00–1:00 • In CA154
> Writing Images
Explore the stories that photos tell, make personal connections to those stories, and amplify under-
represented voices while making your own voice heard.
Wed. Nov. 29 • 12:00–1:00 • In FA117
Free pizza!