Prof. Chu awarded Marcus Undergraduate Research Assistantship Grant

Prof. Hsiao-Yun Chu has been awarded a Marcus Undergraduate Research Assistantship to support her project "70 Years in the Making: A History of Design Education at SF State." This project, in collaboration with a student research assistant, will support the collection and archiving of materials starting with the School of Design's original foundation as the Department of Design and Industry in 1956, and moving forward toward the present day. That also includes collecting oral histories and anecdotes from former faculty and alumni willing to share their stories and memories.
"Documents, photographs, papers and recollections are all part of the raw materials of history," notes Prof. Chu "History is fundamental to understanding where we came from and allows us to take pride in our past as a department, as much as we place hope in our future. I'm really excited to involve student researchers in this journey."