Pino Trogu
On Leave AY 2024-2025
Pino Trogu is a Professor of Information Design. He teaches data visualization, drawing, and letterpress. In 2017–2018 he was a visiting scholar at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the Netherlands, conducting research on bio-inspired design and transformable origami structures (metamaterials). He was a Fulbright scholar to the Rhode Island School of Design, where he received his Master of Fine Arts in 1985. His recent papers include: “Kinematic Modeling of a Flat-foldable Auxetic Metamaterial” with Huijuan Feng, Wujie Shi, and Jian S. Dai, in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2024); “Giorgio Scarpa’s Model of a Sea Urchin Inspires New Instrumentation”, Leonardo, MIT Press, 52.2 (2019); “Counting But Losing Count: the Legacy of Otto Neurath’s Isotype Charts”, Visible Language, 52.2 (2018); and “The Landscape of the Physical Book: Space and Memory in the Printed Page”, TXT, Amsterdam University Press (2018). During the AY 2024–2025 he received a second sabbatical to conduct further research on metamaterials at the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics and Flexible Manufacturing Systems, headed by Prof. Jian S. Dai, at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China.
Metamaterials, bio-inspired design, data visualization, drawing, letterpress & bookbinding.