Professor at the College of Business talks to design students about the ethics of autonomous vehicles

This coming week, Assistant Professor Ian Dunham will discuss the ethical implications of decision-making processes embedded in self-driving cars at both sessions of Product Design II (DES 410), being led by Prof Fernando Carvalho in the School of Design this Fall. The class is working on a group project focused on Design for Systemic Change. Students in both sessions chose the same project theme, out of four choices given by Prof Carvalho: Moving Forward Together: Enabling Safe, Clean, and Accessible Urban Mobility.
Prof Dunham will deliver a lecture followed by a practical exercise. The class will then engage in group discussions, facilitated by both professors, looking at the ethical implications of design practice relating to the project areas that each group of students is working on.
About Prof. Dunham
Ian M. Dunham, Ph, D., is an assistant professor of business and society/sustainable business in the Management Department in the Lam Family College of Business at San Francisco State University. He teaches courses in responsible business and environmental sustainability including Business and Society (BUS 682) and The Greening of Business (BUS 450). His research utilizes a variety of methods to explore critical business ethics issues including economic inequality, financial inclusion, and environmental justice.