Spring 2022 Independent Study/Internship Opportunity (Onsite + Remote)

Seeking Interns and Research Assistants for Shapira Design Archive Project (NSDA). See promotional video.
Project Description
The designated Research Assistant will be working Prof. Ricardo Gomes to pursue the documentation, organization and development of the archive artifacts; collaborative design research projects; inclusive design promotional development creative strategies.
The role and responsibilities of the Research Assistant Internship will require the student to be capable of working independently; reliable, engaging and have organizational skills. Basic foundation competency in CS graphic software applications is a Plus+ in addition to organizational, promotion/marketing and design research capabilities.
Spring 2022 Designated Tasks
- Developing Promotional Graphic Information Design Campaign for 27th Annual Design Alumni “Virtual” Portfolio Nite, March. 15th, or 16th, 2022 2.
- Design for All Institute of India, “Design, Equity & Inclusion from the African Diaspora,” Guest Editors December 2021, (Book Design) Promotional Graphics and Information Design Blog/Website Updates
- State of BLACK DESIGN Family ReUNION, Texas State University (Virtual), March 3rd-6th, 2022 (National "ID" Day, March 5th Lecture/Panel Design/Prep)
- Epsilon Pi Tau, Beta Beta Chapter (Virtual) Initiation & Awards Ceremony (April 22nd, or 29th, TBD) Promotional Graphics and Information Design .
- “Boris Bucan" Exhibition Proposal & Promotional Graphic Campaign in conjunction with the Design Space Gallery
Preferred Internship/Independent Study Research Assistant Hours: (Minimum of 6 per “Hyperflex” hours per week). Approx. 3-4 Asynchronous Hours, plus 2-3 hour Onsite+Synchronous Zoom Consultation)
Interested students contact Prof. Ricardo Gomes ricgomes@sfsu.edu